
Data Visualisation Demos

Click on an image for a detailed view with more information on a seperate web page

Statistical Charts

Simple static bar chart, made in Excel.

Interactive animated bar chart made with Chart.js.

Animated bar pie chart made with Chart.js. This chart can be made interactive too.

Maps and Timelines

Map with markers and information in popups made with Leaflet.

Choropleth map of the number of municipalities per province in the Netherlands, made in Excel.

Number of wind turbines and municipalities per province in the Netherlands. Map made in Excel using the Bing Map add-in.

Clickable region map (provinces) of the Netherlands.

Google timeline of American and Soviet leaders in the first half of the twentieth century. This is a static timeline particularly suitable for items that cover a period.

Knightlab timeline (TimelineJS): foreign authors about Holland 1850-1925. The concept of this timeline with clickable items is quite different from Google's static timeline.

Image and Sound

Example of an image slideshow, integrated in the text.

Example of audio on the web. Speech of Winston Chuchill as Prime Minister, 1940.

Promo videoclip for Eisenower's presidential comapaign in 1952.

Assistance in making data visualisations: read about our free service for making data visualisations on the About page.